Author Instructions


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For Authors:

International Journal Of Emerging Technology In Computer Science And Electronics (IJETCSE) is a regular peer inspected journal. IJETCSE publishes research papers, research notes, review papers, case reports and short communications on different features of Computer Science Engineering and Electronics. Authors should present their handouts through Journal website capitulation system to the perspective office. Authors should submit the publishing papers that have been thoroughly checked and sophisticated. Before the submission of the papers, authors should ensure that their paper is arranged using IJETCSE paper pattern. This will make sure the quick administration and journal publication. Affirmation and elimination notice will be sent to the authors.

The IJETCSE issues contribution in the following process:
• Fundamental research.
• Study and evaluate articles offering a complete review on technical title.
• Quick communications which include short and absolute articles on current research.
• Technical reports.

Guidelines to be followed by the authors:

Authors should submit the Soft copy that have been precisely analyzed and corrected. They are needed to refer the IJETCSE document template. This will make sure the fast publication process. The acceptance or rejection notice will be sent through email to the authors.

• The document should be original and it should not be published already anywhere.
• The author should tend to the IJETCSE article format.
• The manuscript should be in English using MS Word.
• The paper must be in formats such as .doc, .docx or .pdf.
• The font face should be Times New Roman.
• Maximum number of authors should be Four.
• The paper should not more than eight pages.

Paper pattern:

Click here to Download the Paper Template

The paper should represent the new and thoroughly completed results and developmental technique which should be given in mandatory details for others to ensure their work. The paper can be eight pages not including abstract and references. For perfect referring and quick publishing, all documents should be grammatically accurate. You can download the IJETCSE paper format here. Publication charges: For processing of paper, there is no charge, but the authors of each accepted paper are needed to pay the publication charge which is minimal fees involves certificates to each author and online journal charges. We charge Rs.1000/ for Indian authors and US$15 for international authors for a maximum of four authors. Copyright: Submission of the paper present that the paper has not been published already and is not treated for publication anywhere. The authors should be needed to sign a CTA(Copy Right Transfer Agreement) form, once the paper is accepted which will be sent to the respective author’s email. The author can download the form and after getting the authors, co-authors sign, it can be send as the attachment document after scanning to


International Journal Of Emerging Technology In Computer Science And Electronics will not charge for reviewing the paper, but publishing a paper in IJETCSE requires a small processing fee. If your paper is approved for publication in IJETCSE, then you will get the account particulars with an acceptance letter to your paper through email. You are requested to deposit the fees in nearby bank or through online transfer.

Charge for publication:

For Indian author: Rs.1000/ (One Thousand Rupees only)
For foreign author: US$15

The processing charge comprises:
• Publication of research paper online.
• Registration fee for all authors.
• e-Certificate for individual.
• Editorial charges.

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Indexing Affiliates

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