About Us
IJETCSE (International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics)
IJETCSE provides the great opportunities to publish your fine articles through open online access, followed by the some basic rules to the authors: firstly, the publication of your articles is the highly excitative research concerning the issues of our functional Journals. And secondly, is to furnish a rapidly turnover time to review and publish your fine articles and also our journal broadcast your articles. At IJETCSE, we put world class information for Researchers, Scientists, Educators, Students and Innovators around the world.
An IJETCSE publication greatly provides the free online access for the authors to research about the required information on the international and national journals communities. This offer provides with free of cost to the authors or researchers. Whatever information required about the journals, all are available in our IJETCSE website. Our journals greatly supports the online access, the full reports of all fine articles published in our journals are freely available to everyone.
IJETCSE aims to achieve the specified goals to publish the journals in the form of special issues on the emerging areas in the field of Computer Science Engineering and Electronics Engineering related fields. The articles content includes the original research works and innovative applications from all parts of the world.

Champion School at a Glance
Mission Statement
Our mission at the International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics (IJETCSE) is to advance the frontiers of knowledge by providing a dynamic platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in computer science and electronics. We are committed to fostering innovation, supporting academic excellence, and enabling the global exchange of ideas that drive technological progress and societal impact
Our Core Values
We uphold excellence, integrity, and inclusivity in all our publications. We champion innovation and accessibility, fostering global collaboration. Continuous improvement drives us to adapt and lead in emerging technologies.
Our Philosophy
We believe in empowering researchers by providing a platform for high-impact, ethical, and innovative research. We are committed to fostering a global exchange of knowledge in computer science and electronics. Through collaboration and continuous learning, we strive to push the boundaries of technological advancement.